Thank You Supporters 

Help us open our new Healing Center. We need helping hands. Your donation could help employ people in our community. Please pay it forward.

Since our move, I've been able to help many sick people, but I also had to turn away some too. Please help me in raising funds to help the sick and unfortunate, elderly, women and children get herbs for healing and cooking demonstrations to diabetes, AIDS, HIV, cancer, stroke and heart patients to help them learn how to prepare plant-based meals. Your donation will go towards the purchase of herbs, cooking equipment, printer and food. Please commit to donating at least 2% from every paycheck or $5, $10, $20 from every paycheck.

For any questions or help with your membership, please call 24 hrs: 



$5, $10 or $20 Donation?

Suggested Amounts

One Time Purchase Checkout


This charitable organization is run by coppered aboriginals for coppered aboriginals world wide. With accordance to our Aboriginal Rules and Regulations, as governed by The Original Coppered Aboriginals of Our Land, America, membership is only open to those who associate themselves as the original coppered, carbon based indigenous people of the world, no exceptions. Your participation and membership may be terminated at any time, for any reason, without notice or refund. By donating to our organization, you accept all risks.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
GivingFuel Fundraising Software